Activity Log

Track all changes made to a work-related item in one place.

Keep track of item changes

The Activity Log is not where the actual work gets done, but it still facilitates collaboration in Timebook. It acts as a record of all key changes made to an item, showing who made each change and when.

The Activity Log can be found on every item card; it's the last section at the bottom. It contains a chronological list of changes and information about who made them and when.

Typical Activity Log entries

The following item-related activities are examples of what gets recorded in the Activity Log:

  • someone created or renamed the item,

  • someone modified its description,

  • someone set or changed its priority or status,

  • someone added a child or a parent to this item,

  • someone added or removed an attachment,

  • someone added or removed this item from a or a .

Typically, Activity Log entries contain information on who made a particular change.

However, in rare scenarios, you might see that an action was taken by [Timebook]. This marks automatic processes that do not require the user's intervention.

Work Item

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