Logs layout

Analyze all available work time data using filters.

Logs in the Worklog module

In the Worklog module, the Logs layout displays all work time data available for . You can apply several filters to analyze this data according to your needs. You can focus on the time spent by different people working on different projects or focus on your effort only.

What makes the Logs layout special is that it allows you to look at a selected period and see in it. This means Tasks, Meetings, Focus Times, and Out of Office events.

This layout helps you look at the work time data from different perspectives, but you can't edit the data directly.

If you want to edit the actual time spent on Tasks, there is a better-suited layout for this. For more information, see Timesheets layout

Use filters in Logs

You can use filters in the Logs layout to narrow down results and see the data in a more meaningful view. Use the [Filters] button in the top-right corner to show or hide available filters.

Available filters in the Logs layout

You can apply the following filters to the data in the Logs layout:


Selecting this filter displays a list of all Workplace members.

You can select any number of people or use the [All] option to see data of all Workplace members.

[Event types]

Selecting this filter displays a list of all event types in Timebook that are included in the Worklog data. This means Tasks, Meetings, Focus Times, and Out of Office events.

You can select any number of event types or use the [All] option to include all event data.


Selecting this filter displays a list of all in this Workplace.

You can select any number of Planners or use the [All] option to see data from all the Planners.

If you want a Meeting, Focus Time, or Out of Office to be associated with a particular Planner, use the [Worklog] field on the event card. For more information, see Standard event options

Similarly, if you want a Task to be associated with a particular Planner, use the [Location] field on the Task card. For more information, see Work Item


Selecting this filter displays a list of all in this Workplace.

You can select any number of Teams or use the [All] option to see data from all Teams.

Data associated with a specific Team is actually a collection of data from all Planners belonging to this Team.

Once you define your filters, you can use the pills above the Worklog data to change the filter parameters or remove them completely.

The counter next to the [Filters] button indicates the number of active filters applied to the data. If no entries are visible, it's possible that you are using too many filters, and all the entries are hidden as a result.

You can save a snapshot of the current Worklog data using reports.

For more information, see Worklog reports


Worklog reports

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