
Apply different layouts, filters, and grouping options to your work data.

Views in Timebook

In Timebook, you can use filters, group items, and choose specialized layout styles to display your work exactly how you like it. You can also save such personalized views for later use, which might be ideal when working on large sets of items.

You can create custom views in most of the Timebook modules. If a module allows you to modify the presentation of data, it also allows you to save this customized view. A view is a combination of:

  • the filters you applied,

  • the grouping method you selected,

  • and the layout style you picked to present the data.

The best thing about views is that they can be public or personal.

For example, even when working on a set of Work Items in the Planner context, you can save your view as personal and make it visible only to you.

This way, each Planner member can see the data in their favorite view.

Create a view

We show all existing views in the top-left corner of your working area, just above the items you are working on.

To create a new custom view:

  1. Press the [+] icon in the view section in the top-left corner.

  2. Choose [Create a view] if you want your new view to be available to others. Or choose [Create a private view] if the new view should be visible only to you.

  3. Give your new view a meaningful name and select one of the available layouts. Each layout offers a different presentation of the data you are working on. Different sets of layouts are available in different Timebook modules. For more information, see Layouts

  4. You can now select a method for grouping your data and decide which item fields will be visible in your view. For example, you might want to group items by [Assignee] and show [Priority] and [Status] of each item.

  5. Apply filters to reduce the amount of data shown in your view. Press [Add filter], select one of the available filters, and specify the conditions. For example, you might want to see only the items with the [To do] status.

  6. Press [Update view] to confirm and save the changes. Your new view is now available in the top left corner.

Each view that you save has an icon that corresponds to the layout used in this view.

We automatically create the [All] view in each module. It shows all the available items without any filters applied to them.

We suggest you use the [All] view to get a big picture of all available items. To present filtered data, you might want to create a new view instead.

But you can modify the [All] view if you wish to do so.

Edit a view

Once you create a custom view, you can modify it anytime. To modify a view, use the [Manage view] button in the top-right corner and do any of the following:

  • select a different layout,

  • change the grouping method,

  • show or hide item fields,

  • change the filter settings,

  • rename the view.

To save the changes you made to the view, press [Update view] at the bottom of the list of options.

You can press the [Meatballs] icon next to a view and select [Duplicate] to create an identical copy of the view.

Use this option when you want to create a similar view without overwriting the original one.


Timebook items

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