Share Lists

Share a personal List instead of reasigning multiple Work Items.

Give others access to your Lists

In Timebook, members of a have access to all its to share work more effectively. But collaboration in Timebook doesn't stop there; you can share personal Lists with any other member of your or even with a from a different Workplace.

List-sharing can be crucial when coordinating work on a cross-project level. This means giving insight into to people you don't collaborate with on a daily basis. With custom permissions, you can decide if others should only see your Lists or be able to edit them.

To share a personal List in Timebook:

  1. In the Navigator, go to [Personal Planner] and select the [Lists] tab there.

  2. Press the [Meatballs] icon next to a List and select [Share].

  3. From the dropdown, select the members of your Workplace (or Partners) you want to share the List with. You can also type their names to find them quickly.

  4. Define their permissions to the List. You can choose from [Can view], [Can edit], or [Can edit & share].

  5. Press [Save] to confirm.

You can revoke someone's access to a List.

To do so, press [Share] again and then the [X] button next to the person's name.



Last updated