Documents (in Team)

See all Team Documents in one place.

Documents in Timebook

The Documents module in Timebook is your one place to manage reports, plans, white papers, and other text-based resources. With Documents, you can maintain content using rich text editors, multiple data widgets, embeds, and collaborative editing.

Each Timebook Document is a collection of Pages you collaborate on, share, or publish outside of Timebook. You can also group similar documents using folders. And the [Documents] tab at the Team level gives you one central location to create and manage all this content in your Team.

In Timebook, you can also use Wikis to write and publish guidelines, best practices, or step-by-step instructions for Teams or the entire Workplace.

For more information on the Wiki module, see Wiki (in Workplace)

Documents tab features

The primary function of this tab is to show you the overview of all Documents across your Team. We give you all Document-related data, and you can do the following:

  • Open a Document to access all its Pages. Once there, you can start editing the Pages or use the dedicated button to bookmark the whole Document for easier access. You can also pin the Document to the Navigator. For more information, see Bookmarks & pins

  • Once you open a Document, you can use the [Share] button to invite others to collaborate. You can share the Document with selected individuals, other Teams, or even people outside Timebok. For more information, see Share Documents

  • You can also create new Documents and folders here. See the following section for more information.

You can also change how the Documents are displayed in this tab and how much data you want to see. Also, you can create and save custom views of your Documents.

For more information on all these features, see Views & layouts

Create a Document or a folder

The primary purpose of this tab is to create Documents.

To create a Document:

  1. Press the [+] button in the top-right corner.

  2. Select [Document].

  3. Give your new Document a meaningful name and press [Create] to confirm.

  4. Your new Document is ready. We automatically add the first Page to it with the identical title.

When creating a Document, you can press the [Use template] button and select one of the available templates instead of starting with a blank Page.

If you use this option, we will populate your newly created Document with the content from the selected template.

For more information on templates in Timebook, see Template Center

In this tab, you can also create folders to organize your content and group similar Documents together. In Timebook, folders are like containers for Documents. You can't use them to write the actual documentation, but they help you build a structure for it.

To create a folder:

  1. Press the [+] button in the top-right corner.

  2. Select [Folder].

  3. Give your new folder a meaningful name. You can also add a description that will be visible next to the folder's name.

  4. Press [Create] to confirm. You can now drag and drop Documents into your new folder.

Also in this section


Pages store your content and give you customizable Blocks to manage and display the content in any way you like.

Page options

Customize your Pages to make them stand out in Documents.

Version history

Track the history of changes on a Page and restore previous versions.


Start building content in Timebook with customizable Blocks.

Last updated