
Enjoy the module where the full focus is on you.

A module that feels personal

One of Timebook's key concepts is enabling modern, high-performing teams to collaborate in their preferred way. But we also have a dedicated module that puts you in the spotlight.

In a way, the [Personal] module reuses the features available in . You can find , , and other Timebook concepts here, but the difference is in the focus. In short, [Personal ] is where you can store and manage the data that is relevant to you and your work.

The biggest advantages of [Personal] are privacy and flexibility. You can keep most of your content private and still share selected items with others. You couldn't do that using a regular Team, as members get access to all its contents.

Overview of the Personal module

[Personal] contains several tabs, each dedicated to a different aspect of your work and resources. After you open the module in the Navigator, use the tabs at the top to access different options and data sets.

Read the sections below for more information on the contents of each tab in [Personal]:

Some of the following tabs in [Personal] might be hidden. This means they are currently turned off.

To enable these tabs, press the [Settings] button next to [Personal] in the Navigator. The settings in this module are almost identical to those in Teams, so for more information see Team settings

Work Items

You probably divide every project into smaller units of work for easier management. In Timebook, we call these units Work Items—activities you must complete as part of a bigger process.

Tasks, assignments, stories—you name it. In Timebook, you can manage them all using Work Items, which help you describe work and assign status and priority to it. And the [Work Items] tab in [Personal] is where you can create and manage all items representing your own work.

In this tab of [Personal], you can also use three preconfigured views:

  • [Created by me] to track all the Work Items you created, including the ones you assigned to others.

  • [Assigned to me] to see all the work that is currently assigned to you, regardless of who created it.

  • [Watched] to track the Work Items you decided to follow. We will inform you about all significant changes to such items. For more information on item watching, see Work Item


In Timebook, a List is a container that helps you organize and manage your items. To-dos, checklists, inventories—regardless of the size, our Lists will help you manage your work and present it in your preferred way.

This tab of [Personal] contains all your private Lists and the Lists that others shared with you.

You can also share your personal Lists with others. For more information, see Share Lists


Goals refer to specific and measurable objectives that you aim to achieve. Goals serve as guiding targets, providing direction and purpose to Work Items and projects.

In this tab of [Personal], you will find the Goals that:

  • You created for yourself to track your objectives.

  • You assigned to others.

  • Other people assigned to you across all Teams you are a member of.

For more information, see Goal


In Timebook, Initiatives are a bridge between Goals and Tasks. You can use them to guide your organization towards its long-term targets.

In this tab of [Personal], you will find the Initiatives that:

  • You created for yourself to link your Work Items with Goals.

  • You assigned to others.

  • Other people assigned to you across all Teams you are a member of.

For more information, see Initiative


Releases are key elements of work management in Timebook. They help you map your work strategy using time ranges in which certain items must be delivered.

This tab of [Personal] contains the Projects you created for yourself to manage your work.

For more information, see Release


In short, a Sprint in Timebook is a defined and repeating cycle in which a Team tackles a set of Work Items.

This tab of [Personal] contains the Sprints you created for yourself to manage your work.

For more information, see Sprint


In Timebook, Documents are containers for content. You can group collections of Pages under one Document.

In this tab of [Personal], you will find the Documents that:

  • You created for your own needs.

  • You shared with others.

  • Other people shared with you directly.

For more information, see Documents (in Team)


This is the only tab in [Personal] without an equivalent in Teams. It is meant as a collection of all your quick notes, with an added middle pane for easier navigation.

You can still share a note with other Timebook users, but its primary function is to help you write your ideas down quickly.

Regarding available features, notes are mini-versions of Pages (but without Timebook Widgets). For more information, see Pages


The primary function of this tab is to help you build private file storage. But you can still share these files with other Timebook users.

In this tab of [Personal], you will find the files that:

  • You uploaded for your own needs.

  • You uploaded to the Teams you are a member of.

  • Other people shared with you directly.


This tab in [Personal] is like your private contact book. The middle pane shows all your existing contacts. Choose a person from the list and see their contact details on the right.

You can use the [+] button at the top of the middle pane to add more contacts.

Or press the [Pencil] icon in the top-right of an existing contact card to edit its details.

Team: Manage people & work

Last updated