Workload layout

Get the full picture of how the work is distributed.

Workload in the Worklog module

The Workload layout is your central location to track the volume of work of the people in . It calculates the time spent on by selected people and shows it against their weekly availability. Use Workload to make sure the work is distributed evenly in or .

Unlike other layouts, the Workload layout doesn't focus mainly on the events. Instead, the emphasis here is on particular members of your Workplace and how busy their schedules are.

This layout is in the form of a table showing only the data matching your filters. Each row in the table shows a person and their detailed Workload data. You can find the following information in the table:

  • The Workload is shown as the total number of hours booked for all events against the total availability of the person.

  • The progress bar is a visual representation of the Workload for easier comparison.

  • The calendar to the right shows the details of the Workload split into smaller units.

You can modify the detail level by changing the Workload calendar's scope to a value ranging from one day to a month.

You can change the scope with the dedicated buttons above the Workload calendar.

Use filters in Workload

You can use filters in the Workload layout to narrow down results and see the data in a more meaningful view. Use the [Filters] button in the top-right corner to show or hide available filters.

Available filters in the Workload module

You can apply the following filters to the data in the Logs layout:


Selecting this filter displays a list of all Workplace members.

You can select any number of people or use the [All] option to see data of all Workplace members.

[Event types]

Selecting this filter displays a list of all event types in Timebook that are included in the Worklog data. This means Tasks, Meetings, Focus Times, and Out of Office events.

You can select any number of event types or use the [All] option to include all event data.


Selecting this filter displays a list of all in this Workplace.

You can select any number of Planners or use the [All] option to see data from all the Planners.

If you want a Meeting, Focus Time, or Out of Office to be associated with a particular Planner, use the [Worklog] field on the event card. For more information, see Standard event options

Similarly, if you want a Task to be associated with a particular Planner, use the [Location] field on the Task card. For more information, see Work Item


Selecting this filter displays a list of all in this Workplace.

You can select any number of Teams or use the [All] option to see data from all Teams.

Data associated with a specific Team is actually a collection of data from all Planners belonging to this Team.

Once you define your filters, you can use the pills above the Worklog data to change the filter parameters or remove them completely.

The counter next to the [Filters] button indicates the number of active filters applied to the data. If no entries are visible, it's possible that you are using too many filters, and all the entries are hidden as a result.


Last updated