Item collaboration

Track changes in Work Items and share resources with others.

More flexible work-sharing

At Timebook, we want work management to feel flexible and collaborative. That's why we enhanced our items with features that facilitate teamwork. And that goes beyond reassigning your work to someone else.

In Timebook, you can collaborate and coordinate work across several areas to give others more insight. For example, collaborating on a Project is a much faster method than reassigning multiple Work Items to different people.

You can also find more information about an individual Work Item by looking at its Activity Log. This feature tracks all the significant changes in the Work Item, who made them, and when. With the Activity Log, you can track the work of others and minimize the follow-up communication.

Also in this section...

Activity tab

Activity Log in Timebook is like a register containing information about key changes to a Work Item regardless of who made them.

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