Quick tour: Work tools

Learn how Timebook can help you manage work from strategy to delivery.

All your tools in one place

Timebook has a wide range of features to ensure that all your work, regardless of its level and scope, can be easily tracked and managed. When designing the app, we focused on different organizational roles and work scenarios.

As a result, Timebook is flexible enough to help you build work strategies, set goals, track progress, and deliver the final product. You can also capture feedback and ideas from several external sources and have Timebook transform them into actionable items.

Work Items and Goals

In Timebook, you can represent your tasks and assignments with Work Items. They are small, manageable pieces of work that you can link to other objects for easier management. You can also make the most of our Goals to align these Work Items with your organization's objectives. With these features, you can track work at a lower level and ensure it remains connected to the overall strategy.

Define your work and keep track of objectives with these features:

  • Use Work Items in Timebook to define your tasks, stories, bugs, epics, and more. Describe each Work Item, add relevant resources, and use various parameters to represent your work accurately. You can also link your Work Item to other Timebook objects to make it part of a bigger effort. ➡️ For more information, see Work Item and Work Items (in Teams)

  • Set up Goals in Timebook to ensure that the actual work matches your organization's objectives. Then support your Goals with key results to measure progress and completion. ➡️ For more information, see Goal and Goals (in Workplace)

In short, Work Items and Goals in Timebook give you full control over the structure of your work and its alignment with high-level strategy.


Well-organized teams set small, achievable goals and work intensely to achieve them within a defined period. This approach helps them stay organized, track progress, and make continuous improvements. Timebook supports this process with its Sprint feature, allowing your team to plan work ahead, track progress, and refine the process with each iteration.

Manage your work in regular cycles with these features:

  • Timebook's Sprint is a container for your Work Items. Move them inside a Sprint to plan your work. This way, a Sprint sets a time frame for completion and serves as a platform to track progress. ➡️ For more information on the concept, see Sprint

  • Timebook Teams allow you to customize the Sprint feature to suit your working style. Define the starting day and the number of weeks each Sprint should last. We will take it from there and create Sprints automatically for your team. ➡️ For more information on Sprint customization, see Work (Team settings)

In short, you can enable Sprints for your Timebook Team to plan and track your work in custom-defined cycles.


Think of a Project as a journey with a starting point and an endpoint, aimed at achieving a specific result. For example, launching a new feature, organizing an event, or developing a website are all Projects. With the Project feature in Timebook, you can plan, execute, and monitor work to ensure your next big thing is completed on time.

Plan and deliver on a bigger scale with Timebook:

  • Create Projects in Timebook with a clear time frame. Assign Projects to specific Teams and select the owner to ensure accountability. ➡️ For more information on the concept, see Project

  • Move Work Items inside your Projects as you plan the scope of work. Or make your Projects part of a bigger Roadmap and inform others about the status using the Risk Assessment feature. ➡️ For more information, see Projects (in Teams)

In short, Timebook Projects help you achieve specific results in a defined time frame and make this effort visible in your organization's Roadmaps.


Think of Roadmaps as a big-picture plan outlining the steps and timeline for completing all the work ahead. A Roadmap serves as your organization's main navigation, guiding teams through projects and keeping everyone on the same page. With Timebook Roadmaps, you can easily spot all milestones or major tasks and ensure your organization stays on course with its high-level objectives.

See the big picture of your Timebook Workplace with these features:

  • Create Feature Roadmaps in Timebook to see all the work from the Now/Next/Later perspective, and start rough, high-level planning. Or you can create Project Roadmaps to display selected Projects from multiple Teams in one view. ➡️ For more information on Roadmap types, see Roadmap

  • Managing Roadmaps in Timebook is easy with the dedicated module that shows all Roadmaps in your Timebook Workplace. ➡️ For more information, see Roadmaps (in Workplace)

In short, Roadmaps give you a bird's eye view of all the work happening in your Timebook Workplace.


Enable Inboxes in your Timebook Teams to receive feedback and work from external apps and communication channels. We will then help you convert the contents of your Inbox into Timebook Work Items, allowing you to manage everything within one system.

Capture feedback and work using these features:

  • You can configure a dedicated email address or create an online form to receive feedback and ideas directly in Timebook. ➡️ For more information on Inbox customization, see Inbox (Team settings)

  • Inboxes capture feedback automatically in the form of Tickets, but you can also create Tickets manually if you wish. Either way, you can manage it all within one Timebook module. ➡️ For more information, see Inbox (in Teams)

In short, Inboxes can capture feedback and potential work from other sources and integrate it with your existing Timebook content.

Last updated