All-day events

Book all-day slots in your Calendar for special occasions and passion projects.

Turn an event into an all-day one if you can't estimate its duration but expect it to last long. Also, use this option when you need to do something on a specific day, but you can't predict at what time.

For practical reasons, we have decided not to show such events as one long tile across your Calendar. Instead, you can use the dedicated section at the very top of the Calendar grid to create your all-day events.

To create an all-day event:

  1. Press anywhere on the all-day section of the grid.

  2. Choose the type of event you want to create. You can choose from Meeting, Work Item, or Out of Office. For more information, see Events

  3. Your new event is now visible at the top of the grid. It stays visible even if you scroll down your Calendar.

By default, we mark all-day Meetings and as free so others can still book your time.

To block others from doing it, open the event card, find the [Show me as] option, and set it to [Busy].

For more information on this and other event options, see Events


Work Item