
Look at Timebook in a different light.

Customize Timebook's appearance

One of our main focuses is helping you work in your preferred style. That's why Timebook offers several customization options. You can define or for the entire Workplace. But you can also modify how Timebook looks using a dedicated set of options.

To access appearance settings in Timebook:

  1. Open the Workplace Menu next to the name of your in the top-left corner of the app.

  2. Select [Appearance] to open the panel with specific options.

  3. Customize how Timebook looks using the options explained below.

You can use the following options to customize Timebook's appearance:

[Light mode]

Use this option to show the entire Timebook app with a light background.

[Dark mode]

Use this option to show the entire Timebook app with a dark background.

[Use system mode]

When you select this option, Timebook will check your system preferences and adjust to the light or dark mode accordingly.

[Dark Navigator]

Use this option to show Timebook's Navigator with a dark background and your working area with a light one.


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