Goals (in Workplace)

Define objectives for the entire organization.

Goals at the Workplace level

Goals are key elements of work management in Timebook. They refer to specific and measurable objectives that Team members aim to achieve. Goals serve as guiding targets, adding direction and purpose to projects.

And the [Goals] section at the Workplace level is where you can create and manage all objectives for your entire organization.

This tab presents all the high-level Goals for your organization. But you can also create more specific Goals for your Teams. For more information, see Goals (in Teams)

We also have an article that explains the actual Goal concept in general and how to apply it in Timebook. For more information, see Goal

Goals section features

The primary function of this section is to show you the overview of all Goals across your Workplace. We give you all Goal-related data, and you can do the following:

  • Create a new Goal or view details of the existing ones.

  • Use layouts to change the presentation of the data.

  • Use filters to decide how much data you want to see.

  • Use different grouping options to organize the data.

  • Save custom views for later use.

We have dedicated articles that explain how to manage data views and layouts in several Timebook modules, including this one. For more information, see Layouts & views

Create a Goal

You can create Goals in this tab and reuse them across your Workplace.

To create a Goal:

  1. Press the [+] button at the top of the list of Goals.

  2. Give your new Goal a meaningful name.

  3. Open the newly created Goal to start editing its details. Available options are almost identical to those in Work Items. For more information on available options, see Work Item

After you create a Goal, you can use its [Linked items] section to connect it to other existing Timebook items.

This way, you can easily align your organization's objectives with the actual work to be done.


Goals (in Teams)