
Group and present multiple Timebook objects in one List.

Lists in Timebook

Lists are a common way to group and organize objects in a structured manner. Think of them as digital to-dos or boards that help you track what needs to be done, by whom, and when. Timebook Lists provide a clear visual of what's been completed and what's still pending, helping Teams track progress at a glance.

Each List in Timebook has an expandable drawer you can use to modify the List's properties. Open the drawer using the dedicated button in the top-right corner to:

  • Change the name of your List.

  • Add a description to your List to make it more meaningful to other Team members.

  • Choose the List's Owner by assigning it to someone from your Team.

This article explains the Timebook's concept of a List and its basic features.

But we have a separate article that explains how to use Lists in a Timebook Team. For more information, see Lists (in Teams)

To use Lists in Timebook, you need to enable them in the settings of the specific Team.

For more information on managing Lists in Teams, see Work (Team settings)

Manage a List

Each List has two tabs located at the top, next to the List's name. The [Work] tab shows all Timebook objects assigned to the List. You can open each object in your List to see its details. You can also press the [Edit] button to manage multiple objects at the same time.

Additionally, you can open the [Summary] tab to add content like text, images, and references, providing extra information about your List.

In the top-right corner, next to your avatar, you have two additional options to keep your List accessible:

  • [Add to Bookmarks] saves the List for future reference. You can find all bookmarked Lists by opening the [Bookmarks] module in the Navigator.

  • [Pin to Navigator] adds the List to the [Pinned items] area of the Navigator. You can quickly jump to the pinned List using the menu on the left, regardless of where you are in Timebook.

You can change how objects are presented in a List by adjusting the layout, grouping, sorting, and filtering the data.

You can also save such modified views for later use.

We have dedicated articles that explain changing and saving views. For more information, see Layouts & views

Add an object to a List

To create a new object in a List:

  1. Open one of your Lists.

  2. Press the [+] button at the top of the List.

  3. Use the newly created object card to provide basic information such as name, type, and description of the work to be done. You can also add tags to the object.

  4. Press [Create] to confirm your changes.

You can reorder all objects in your List with a simple drag-and-drop. If you apply grouping to your List, you can easily move objects between groups. You can also drop one object on another to create a parent-child relationship between them.

To add an existing object to your List, open the object and use the [List] parameter.

With this parameter, you can quickly reassign an object by selecting a new List from the dropdown menu.

Lists (in Teams)

Work (Team settings)

Timebook objects

Last updated