Share & export Worklog data

Share your Worklog reports with others or export data to .csv files.

Share your Worklog reports

Timebook's Worklog module comes with the [Reports] drawer that you can use to save a snapshot of selected data. While using the drawer, you can open one of your reports and share it with another member of your .

Share a Worklog report
  1. Press the [Reports] button in the top-right corner of the Worklog module.

  2. Select one of the saved reports from the list.

  3. Press the [Share] button at the top of the report's preview.

  4. Use the dropdown to select the person you want to share the report with. Then, define their permissions to the report.

  5. Press [Share] to confirm your selection.

You can also share Worklog reports with Partners of your Workplace.

For more information, see Partners

Export your Worklog data

You can also export data from your Worklog module to use it outside Timebook.

We will save the selected data in a comma-separated value (.csv) file. This is a text file format that uses commas to separate values and stores data in plain text form, where each line of the file typically represents one data record.

Exporting Worklog data is available in two places:

  • You can export the data that matches your filter settings in the [Logs] layout.

  • You can also export the data stored in one of your Worklog reports.

See the instructions below for more information on both types of exporting.

Export Worklog data to a .csv file

To export data directly from the [Logs] layout:

  1. Press the [Export to .csv] button in the top-right corner of the Worklog module.

  2. That's all! The exported .csv file is now saved on your device.

To export data from a report:

  1. Press the [Reports] button in the top-right corner to open a drawer with all your Worklog reports.

  2. Press on a selected report to see its details.

  3. Press the [Export to .csv] button at the top of the report's preview.

  4. The exported .csv file is now saved on your device.

Worklog reports

Logs layout