Messages module

Manage all your conversations in one place.

This module gives you a combined overview of all the conversations and messages that might be relevant to you across Timebook. Use it as your central location for communicating with other Timebook users.

The middle pane in the Messages module has the [Unread] section at the top, where you can see all the new messages you have received since your last visit.

Then, the [Direct messages] section shows your conversations with specific Timebook users. You can press on a name to jump directly into the conversation with the selected person. You can also use the [Meatballs] icon next to a person and press [Add to favorites]. This pins your conversation with this person to the top of the list.

The bottom part of the middle pane is reserved for [Planner messages]. These conversations work like a group chat that is only visible to members. For more details, see Messages (in Planners)

Write a direct message
  1. In the Navigator, select the [Messages] module.

  2. Press the [+] icon in the middle pane.

  3. Type the name of the person you want to start a conversation with (or use the dropdown to select from the list).

  4. Use the input at the bottom of your working area to compose your message.

You can boost your messages with the following features:

  • use basic text-formatting options, including quotes, code blocks, numbered and bulleted lists,

  • attach files from Timebook, Google Drive, or your device,

  • pick from a range of emojis,

  • mention people directly to attract their attention (when you mention other users in conversations, they receive a system notification they can use to jump to the conversation).

Messages (in Planners) Planners

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