Add a Planner

Create your own Planner or join an existing one.

In Timebook, you can be a member of multiple Planners. This is especially useful when the scope of your work is not limited to a single project. If this is the case, you can add more Team Planners to your list by creating new Planners or joining existing ones.

Creating new Planners is only available to those with permissions within a Team.

Also, the maximum number of Planners may be limited, depending on the Timebook plan your Workplace is running.

Join an existing Planner

Join a Planner
  1. Press [New Planner] at the end of the Planner list in the Navigator.

  2. Select [Join existing Planner].

  3. Browse the list of existing Planners and press [Join] next to one of them.

  4. You now have access to the selected Planner, which is added to the list in your Navigator.

Note: Alternatively, you can go to the [Planners] section of a Team, select a Planner from the [Available Planners] list, and press [Join].

You can only join open Planners using the method above. Joining a private Planner requires an invitation from the Planner's Owner.

Create a Planner using a wizard

When you start creating a Planner in Timebook, you will see a wizard that will guide you through the process.

You can choose two different approaches here: either set up a Planner manually and have more control, or use a preconfigured Planner for a more automated process.

You can also start the Planner creation process in the [Planners] tab of a Team.

Set up a Planner manually
  1. Press [New Planner] at the end of the Planner list in the Navigator.

  2. Select [Create Planner].

  3. In the wizard, press [Start with manual configuration].

  4. Select all the features you want to enable for this Planner from the list. Browse this Help Center for more details on specific features, but we suggest you start with Workstreams (in Planners) and Custom statuses

  5. On the next screen, press on any of the features to adjust their details.

  6. Next, on the [Basic info] screen, give your new Planner a name and upload an avatar. For more details on all the options here, see General settings in Planner

  7. Next, on the [Members] screen, invite other people from your Workplace to join this Planner. You can skip this step and invite others later. For more details, see People settings in Planner

  8. Press [Start using] to add this Planner to the Team.

Use a preconfigured Planner
  1. Press [New Planner] at the end of the Planner list in the Navigator.

  2. Select [Create Planner].

  3. In the wizard, press [Start with Planner templates].

  4. On the [Templates] screen, select the type of business or project this Planner is related to. We will adjust the Planner features to your choice.

  5. On the next screen, press on any of the features to adjust their details.

  6. Next, on the [Basic info] screen, give your new Planner a name and upload an avatar. For more details on all the options here, see General settings in Planner

  7. Next, on the [Members] screen, invite other people from your Workplace to join this Planner. You can skip this step and invite others later. For more details, see People settings in Planner

  8. Press [Start using] to add this Planner to the Team.

Related articles:

Planner settings Planners tab

Last updated