
Get a quick overview and an access point to all Pages in a Planner.

This section is a list of all inside the current Planner. There is an additional middle pane for easier navigation between Pages. It comes in handy, especially when managing an extensive collection of documents.

If you see a chevron to the right of a Page, it means the Page has subpages you can display by pressing the chevron. Also, selecting a Page in the middle pane opens its contents in the working area to the right.

The top part of the middle pane contains all "active" Pages of the current Planner. There is also the [Archived Pages] section at the bottom - it lists all "inactive" Pages of the Planner.

Archive and restore a Page
  • To archive an active Page, press the [Meatballs] icon to the right of the Page's name and select [Archive]. This moves the Page to the [Archived Pages] section of Documents.

  • You can always bring back an archived Page. To do so, press the [Meatballs] icon to the right of the Page and select [Restore]. This gives you a pop-up window to pick where you want the Page restored.

Timebook Pages use an extensive set of editing tools you can use to make your Pages stand out. For more details, see Pages

The middle pane of the Documents section also lists all the Pages from other Planners that were shared with the current Planner. For more details, see Share Pages

You can also use Sections to organize your Pages. For more details, see Sections

Related articles:

Pages Share Pages Sections

Last updated