
Get a better insight into Work Items by narrowing down your focus.

Timebook , , and come with several features that can help you see Work Items in your preferred context. You can use filters to reduce the amount of information you see on the screen and focus on details.

For example, if you want to have a list of all the work that is in progress, assigned to a specific person, and labeled with a particular tag, you can achieve just that with Timebook filtering options.

Filters can be found in several work-management modules across Timebook.

The details of the filter feature might differ slightly from one module to another. But in general, you can use the options listed below to narrow down your focus on work data.

You can find the [Show/Hide filters] button in the top-right corner of your working area. Press it to access the options below.

Available Work Item filters

When working with a packed List or Workstream, you might want to hide some Work Items and focus on others. Use the combination of the filters below to narrow down the number of results.

[Work Item type]

Use this filter to select the types of Work Items to show. For example, you might want to see only tasks, stories, or the you created.


Use this filter to focus on the importance of your Work Items. For example, you might want to see only the Urgent or High-priority ones.


Use this filter to track work progress. For example, you might want to check which Work Items are now set to "Done".


Use this filter to see how the work is distributed. For example, you might want to select several members to analyze their workload.


Use this filter to see the labels of different Work Items. For example, you might want to see all the work marked with the custom "Conceptual work" tag. For more details, see Tag concept


Use this filter to see the Work Items belonging to specific Workstreams. For more details, see Workstream concept

Related articles:

List concept Workstream concept Goal concept

Last updated