Key results

Define success metrics for your Work Items and measure progress.

Timebook comes with the key results feature to help you add metrics to a Work Item and measure the progress against them. You can update the progress at any time, ensuring that work is driving towards meaningful outcomes.

Adding a key result to a Work Item in Timebook
This is how you add a key result to a Work Item and define the result's success metric.
Add a key result to a Work Item
  1. Open a Work Item card.

  2. Press [Add key result] below the Work Item's name.

  3. Create a label for the key result. This should tell others how to measure progress, for example: "Open 10 new accounts" or "Increase sales by 20%".

  4. Select the success metric that works best for your label. You can choose from [True/False], [Number], or [Percentage].

  5. If you selected [Number] or [Percentage], specify the start and target values of your key results. For example, for the "Increase sales by 20%" key result, you could choose the [Percentage] metric and set its values to 0 and 20.

  6. Optionally, you can select a and link it to your key result. It can be used to track the progress of related Work Items.

  7. Press [Save] to confirm and create your key result.

Once the first key result is created, you will see a dedicated section on the Work Item card that shows all key results for the Work Item. You can use the [Add] button to create more key results in this section.

Each key result has the [Update progress] button next to it. You can use it at any time and edit the current value to reflect the progress made.

You can also use the [Meatballs] menu to the right of a key result; it gives you the option to [Edit] the labels and values or [Delete] the key result permanently.

Related articles:

Work Item options Goals

Last updated