Calendar layout

Visualize your work schedule over time.

The Calendar layout is a unique style you can apply to your . It displays your scheduled tasks on a calendar grid, making it perfect for analyzing how your work is spread over time and identifying unscheduled tasks.

With the Calendar layout, the working area shows a calendar grid with your Work Items represented by lines that run across all the days the work was scheduled for. On the right, you'll find the [Unscheduled] drawer, listing Work Items that still need to be scheduled.

Calendar layout features

You can use the following work-management features with the Calendar layout:

  • To schedule your Work Items, drag them from the [Unscheduled] drawer on the right and drop them on a particular day on the calendar grid.

  • You can also use the drag & drop method to move a scheduled Work Item to a different day.

  • You can schedule your work for more than one day. Drag the sides of a line representing your Work Item to extend its scheduled period on the calendar grid.

  • Press anywhere on the line representing your Work Item to see the drawer with all the work details.

You can use the [Unscheduled] drawer on the right to add more Work Items to the list quickly.

Press the [New Work Item] button at the end of the list to create more work you can schedule directly with the Calendar layout.

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Work Item concept Schedule work manually

Last updated