
Manage links and upload images, videos and audio files.

Timebook Media Blocks will make your easier on the eye and quicker to navigate. You can boost Pages with relevant images or support your content with links to external sources. And you can also add quick reference links to other Pages across all the .

An overview of Media Blocks in Timebook
These Media Blocks are available on Pages.
Media Block types

Use the [Image] Block to upload graphics from one of the available sources. You can display an image from one of your [Timebook] files, upload an image from [Google Drive] or [Your device], or [Link] an image from the web using a URL address.

There are Blocks for adding [Audio] and [Video] files to your Timebook Pages. Again, you can use upload from one of the sources described above. These Blocks come with a volume control that you can also use to mute the sound.

Use the dedicated [PDF] Block to upload documents of this type. Timebook allows you to preview uploaded PDF files on Pages instead of adding them as simple attachments.

When adding the [Link] Block to a Page, specify the text to be displayed and paste the actual link to an external source. You can show the link as a simple string of text or turn it into a bookmark for a better visual experience.

[File link] Block lets you add a file (other than image, audio, or video) to a Page. Again, you can upload from various sources, including Timebook files, Google Drive, or your device.

Use the [Page link] Block to reference another Timebook Page. This creates a small snippet of the selected Page with its name and icon. This Block can be used to jump to the other Page quickly.

Finally, you can use [Event link] or [Work Item link] to create a reference to one of your or . Use the search to find the object you want to reference and press on its name. This creates a small snippet that you can use to jump to the referenced event or Work Item quickly.

When you paste a link to a Timebook Page, we will automatically turn it into a [Page link] Block.

Similarly, if you paste a link to a Timebook Work Item, we will automatically turn it into a [Work Item link] Block.

The [Image] Block is now integrated with Unsplash, a platform that helps you find great, usable imagery. Type a keyword, and we will show you several related images suggested by Unsplash.

Related articles:

Pages Events Work Item concept

Last updated