Team settings

Edit details of your Team and define access rights.

Understanding Timebook's vision is based on recognizing the importance of . We aim to provide a platform for cross-functional collaboration, enabling all Team members to work in their preferred styles and contribute collectively towards shared objectives.

In Timebook, each Team has its own settings that you can use to edit its details, define its purpose, or manage its accessibility.

In the Navigator, select a Team and press the [Team settings] icon next to it.

This opens a modal with several options described below.

Available Team settings

[Team avatar]

Use this field to change the avatar of your Team.

Press the [Pencil] icon in the top-left corner of the settings window (in the space provided for the image). Then, upload a new image of your choice or only remove the current one.

[Team name]

Use this field to change the name of your Team.

Press anywhere on the current name and start typing to enter the new name.


Use this field to provide a meaningful description of your Team's purpose.

While it might be obvious to you, other users could benefit from a proper description of the Team's purpose and activities.

[Make private]

Use this option to change the Team's accessibility.

By default, Timebook Teams are open, meaning any member can access them freely. But you can turn your Team into a private one. From now on, this Team will be hidden; only you can add more members by inviting them.

Note: The availability of this feature depends on your Timebook pricing plan. For more details, see Billing

There is another Timebook module for creating and deactivating Teams or managing members. For more details, see Manage Teams

Related articles:

Teams Planner settings

Last updated