
Create meaningful content with powerful editor and reusable Timebook elements.

What are Timebook Pages?

The actual content management in Timebook starts here. Pages store your data and give you to manage and display in any way you like. You can also create subpages to give your a proper structure.

Pages are highly customizable, so you can make each stand out in your Planner. Give your Page a cover image, a background color, or a distinct icon. Or keep everything simple and focus on the content instead. Timebook Pages are very flexible, so you can adjust them to different types of content.

A typical Page in Timebook
This is a full-width view of a Timebook Page (with the settings drawer on the right).

In Timebook, you can create Pages almost automatically by using templates. The template system lets you start with a predesigned Page or save an existing Page as a template for future use. For more details, see Template Center

There is also the collaborative aspect of Timebook Pages. They can be edited by several users at the same time, and they can be quickly shared with others. For more details, see Page collaboration

What else is there?

Add more Pages to the Documents section of your Planner. Learn more: Add Pages & subpages

You can build a book-like structure for your Documents using Sections. Think of Sections as "chapters" or "folders" to keep related Pages together. Learn more: Sections

Timebook Pages come with options that improve usability and collaboration, like bookmarks and comments. Learn more: Page options

You can restore a previous version of a Page or track changes made to Pages. Learn more: Version history

Last updated