Page options

Make your Pages stand out, bookmark them, or share them with others.

Timebook comes with several tools that help you manage and customize your Pages. Try all the options available in the top-right corner of the working area to see how flexible Timebook Pages are.

Primary Page options


This shows you all the people currently viewing the Page. Press on one of the avatars to see that person's contact card and access quick interaction buttons.


Use this button to share the Page with others. For more details, see Share Pages

[Add to Bookmarks]

This option lets you add the Page to your favorites. This creates a quick link to this Page in Bookmarks. For more details, see Bookmarks

[See comments]

This is your management center for all comment threads started on this Page. You can view, reply, and edit comments or delete/resolve a comment thread. For more details, see Comments

Page settings

To access the settings below, press the [Page settings] icon in the top-right corner.


Use this option to change the icon that shows next to the Page name. You can select the actual icon and its background color.

[Cover image]

With this toggle enabled, you can enhance your Page with a custom image. You can upload a Timebook file here, add an image from your Google Drive, drag and drop a file from your device, or use an image browser powered by Unsplash.

[Page background]

Enable this toggle to give your Page a slightly different design with additional spacing around the edges. You can also select the style and color of the background.

[Full-width view]

This option lets you switch between two views, full and narrow. Use it to adjust the width of the content to your screen size.

[Tag strip]

Use this toggle to show or hide the tag strip just below the Page title. The strip displays all the tags used to label the Page. It also contains the [Add tags] button for quick adding of tags. For more details, see Tag concept

[Creation date]

Enable this toggle to show the date when the Page was created. This information will be displayed just below the Page title.

[Created by]

Enable this toggle to show who created the Page. This information will be displayed just below the Page title.

[Modification date]

Enable this toggle to show the date when the Page was last modified. This information will be displayed just below the Page title.

Meatballs menu options

To access the settings below, press the [Meatballs] icon in the top-right corner.

[Save as template]

This option allows you to use the current Page as a template for Pages created in the future. This means the contents of the current Page will be inserted into any new Page created out of this template. For more details, see Template Center


Use this option and select another Page (or a ). The current Page immediately becomes a subpage of the selected Page (or a top-level Page inside the selected Planner).

You can also move Pages to using this option.

[Version history]

Use this option to browse earlier versions of the Page, see who made changes and when, and potentially restore a previous version. For more details, see Version history


Use this option to bring up a pop-up window with a short Page summary. The summary shows who and when created the Page, when it was last modified, and which tags are used.


This removes the current Page from Documents. For more details on restoring archived Pages (and Sections), see Documents

The remaining options allow you to [Rename] or [Delete] the current Page.

Related articles:

Share Pages Bookmarks Template Center

Last updated