Work Item & List collaboration

Share the workload with others and track changes to Work Items.

Manage work effortlessly

At Timebook, we want to make work management feel flexible and collaborative. That's why we enhanced our and with features that make team goals easier to reach. And that goes beyond reassigning your work to someone else.

And overview of List & Work Item sharing in Timebook
You can share Timebook Lists with others for more efficient work management.

Share Lists to coordinate work on a cross-project level and give others more insight. Track changes and find information about who and when made them.

How to do it?

In Timebook, you can share a List full of Work Items with others and define their access to it. This way, you can give them an insight into the progress made or invite them to co-manage the List with you. Learn more: Share Lists

On a more detailed level, we give you the Activity Log, where you can track changes inside a Work Item. This includes key events like changing the status, priority, or assignee. Learn more: Activity Log

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