Out of Office

Plan your time away from the desk.

As the name suggests, this event books time in your calendar for out-of-office activities. It’s similar to a regular Meeting as it creates an entry in your calendar. Others will see this time slot marked as 'busy' when trying to schedule a Meeting with you.

Creating an Out of Office in Timebook
Book some time for out-of-office activities.
Create an Out of Office event
  1. Press the [+] button in the top-right corner and select [Out of Office] from the list of events.

  2. Give your event a name, and select the [Start] and [End] dates.

  3. Use additional event options if necessary. For more details, see Event card

  4. Press [Schedule] to create your Out of Office. Events of this type are marked with a dedicated calendar icon.

You can also create Out of Office directly on the calendar grid. For more details, see Use the grid

Related articles:

Event card Use the grid

Last updated