Basic Blocks

Make the most of text-formatting options to make your content more visible.

The basic Blocks are here to make formatting text and numbers easier. The basic Blocks got you covered if you plan to work on documentation, instructions, or any other text-heavy content.

An overview of Basic Blocks in Timebook
These basic Blocks are available on Timebook Pages.
Basic Block types

Use the [Text] Block and just start typing. You can then select a piece of text inside this Block and use the context menu to change its style. Make it bold, underline it, and change the color and alignment of the text; all the popular options are here.

Note: You can also select a piece of text and use the [Convert to Work Item] option. Do it to create a single with the selected text used as the name or description.

Apply different [Heading] levels to make your content easier to follow. You can choose between three options here, each with a different font size.

Use lists to add focus on details. You can go with a [Bulleted list] to write up a collection of items, a [Numbered list] to explain a procedure, or a [Checklist] to mark what has been done.

Note: You can select a list (or a part of it) and use the [Convert to Work Item] option. Do it to create several representing the selected points on the list.

You can use the [Divider] Block to separate two sections with a thin line.

The [Quote] Block is perfect for presenting inspirational sentences to others.

The [Code] Block creates a snippet where you can put a small, reusable piece of code that can be easily copied into another website or app.

Use [Table] for more structured content that can be best explained using columns and rows. This Block has buttons for inserting and deleting sections to help trim or expand your table.

Note: If you paste comma-separated values directly onto a Page, Timebook will automatically create a table to present your data.

Use [Callout] as a visual element to draw attention to specific information. Use the options available in the [Meatballs] menu of a Callout Block to change its background color and icon.

The [Date] Block is a simple tool to create time stamps. When you add it to the Page, it creates a small callout showing the current date and time. Press the Block to access the calendar picker and change the date and time. You can select past or future dates.

Related articles:

Pages Work Item concept

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