
Save your favorite content for future reference.

To save you some time navigating through different components, Timebook comes with the Bookmarks module that helps you jump to your favorite content with less effort.

Timebook Bookmarks are here to help you track all the objects that you frequently use. You can bookmark your favorites, use filters and groups to change the presentation of the objects, and save these custom views for later use.

Bookmarking in Timebook
Bookmark your favorite Timebook objects. Then access them in the Bookmarks module.
Bookmark an object in Timebook

Timebook objects that you can bookmark have a dedicated [Add to Bookmark] icon located in the top-right corner of your working area.

After you press the icon, it changes the color to black; this means you can now find this object in the [Bookmarks] module accessible through the Navigator.

To remove a bookmark from an object, press the icon again; it changes the color to white and the object is removed from the [Bookmarks] module.

Using bookmarks in Timebook
Jump to your favorite Timebook objects using bookmarks.
Use the Bookmarks module

Use the Navigator on the left to open the [Bookmarks] module.

This module is a list of all your bookmarked objects. You can use it for better navigation as you press on a tile to jump to the bookmarked object.

You can also trim the number of bookmarks by pressing the [Remove from Bookmarks] button to the right of an object's name.

Note: To get a more personalized presentation of bookmarks, you can use filtering, grouping, and view creation features. They are almost identical to the ones used in Work Items. For more details, see Work Item presentation

Currently, you can bookmark the following objects in Timebook:

  • Pages,

  • Workstreams.

Related articles:

Pages Workstream concept

Last updated