Home & tabs

Track all Team-related content in dedicated tabs.

The Home of your Team

Whenever you in Timebook, you land on the Team's Home page first. The Home page is where you can access all the necessary information about your Team, divided into tabs.

The Home section of a Team in Timebook
Select the Home section to see all tabs of a Team, including the Overview tab.

The [Home] button takes you directly to the [Overview] tab. This tab contains the Team's description that the Team's Owner can modify. There are also several other tabs, which we describe in the following articles.

Team Owners can also use the [Settings] button in the top-right corner of the Home page. This is where you can change the name and description of your Team, make the Team private, or archive it. For more details, see Team settings

What tabs are there?

Besides the Overview tab described above, there are several other tabs in your Team's Home.

Use the Planners tab to manage all the Planners in your Team in one view. Learn more: Planners tab

Go to the Files tab to access all files uploaded by the members of your Team. Learn more: Files tab (in Teams)

See the Tags tab to get an overview of all the tags used across your Team. Learn more: Tags tab

In the People tab, you can manage your Team members and their roles. Learn more: People tab

Last updated