Timeline layout

Compare the duration and chronology of your Work Items.

The Timeline layout is a unique style you can apply to your . It is a visual representation of your work on a chronological axis, giving you a complete overview of the progression of work over time.

The Timeline and layouts may seem similar, but they have some differences. Timeline focuses on comparing your Work Items' start and end times so that you can track the chronology of events in your projects.

In short, the Timeline layout might be a better option when managing a project with a complex sequence and more Work Item dependencies.

An overview of the Timeline layout
Schedule work on the grid and compare the chronology of your Work Items.
Timeline layout features

You can use the following work-management features with the Timeline layout:

  • To change your perspective, use the [Day/Month] toggle to focus on different timescales.

  • Press anywhere on the calendar grid to schedule a Work Item. In the [Day] view, this will set the start and end dates of this Work Item to the selected day. Scheduled work is marked with a horizontal line with the name of the Work Item.

  • You can extend or shorten the period for which a Work Item is scheduled. To do so, drag the edges of the horizontal line to adjust its start or end dates.

  • You can also move a scheduled Work Item to a different time without changing its duration. To do so, press anywhere on the horizontal line, and drag it to a different slot on the calendar grid.

In Timebook, the Timeline layout can also be applied to Goals. For more details, see Goal concept

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Work Item concept Schedule work manually

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