Adjust Timebook to your needs

From boosting personal experience to managing Workplaces, we have all the toggles and dials.

Something for Admins

Timebook Workplace Admins have a dedicated space to manage and maintain high-level aspects of a shared work environment. Managing Teams and members, integrating external apps, or billing and pricing can all be handled in one Timebook module.

Something for regular users

All users can define their preferences to optimize their Timebook experience. From editing user profiles to adjusting notifications or calendar settings, the User Preferences module has it all.

Personalize the Navigator

You can also pin or unpin certain Timebook modules from the Navigator, use Timebook in the dark mode, or change how icons and labels are shown. It's all available in the Navigator settings.

Stay updated with Notifications

We also give you the Notifications module that further improves Timebook's usability. Meeting reminders, access rights changes, or pending invitations can all be viewed and managed in one place.

Main articles in this section:

User Preferences

Customize personal settings to make the most of Timebook.

Navigator Settings

Decide what to show in your Navigator and how to show it.

Owners & Admins

Learn about special privileges in Team and Planner management.

Workplace Admin

Handle high-level administration in Timebook.

Planner settings

Manage Planner members and customize their experience.

Team settings

Edit details of your Team and define access rights.

Notifications module

See invitations, reminders, and system information in one place.

Last updated