Work Item options

Boost your Work Items for easier management and improved collaboration.

Each Work Item in Timebook has its own card that you can view by pressing on the Work Item. The Work Item card is divided into two panes; the one on the left shows all available options to boost the Work Item with additional information.

Use these options to add more content to your Work Items, create relationships between them, or tag and comment on them to improve collaboration.

An overview of Work Item options
Customize your Work Item using all the options on the left side of its card.
Available Work Item options

The list below covers the options you can find in the left pane of any Work Item card. Starting from the ones at the top, you can use the following options:

[List picker]

The button in the top-left corner lets you assign a Work Item to one of the in this or another . Press the button, select a Planner and one of its Lists, and press [Change location] to confirm.

[Add parent]

You can make a Work Item a part of a larger task or project by giving it a parent Work Item. For more details, see Parent & child Work Items

[Work Item type]

The icon to the left of your Work Item's name is actually a picker that you can use to change the Work Item type. Different Work Item types come with different sets of fields that you can define.

In short, the properties you see on the right side of the Work Item card depend on the type selected here. For more details, see Work Item fields and Item library


Edit this field to change the name of a Work Item. This change will be shown in the Activity Log at the bottom of the Work Item card.

[Add key result]

Use this option to define success metrics for your Work Items and measure progress. For more details, see Key results

[Add child item]

This option is similar to the [Add parent] option but reversed. Use it to select another Work Item that will become a smaller part of your current Work Item. For more details, see Parent & child Work Items

[Link item]

You can use this option to create relationships between different Work Items. Linking items is a simple way of showing other collaborators that there are some dependencies between Work Items. The following types of linking are available here:

  • Related to

  • Blocked by

  • Blocks

  • Duplicates

To link two items, select the type of relationship and then use the search bar to find the Work Item you want to link to the current one.


This option lets you attach files from different sources to your Work Items. You can upload files from your Timebook Workplace, Google Drive, or your own device.


Pressing this button opens your calendar. Now press anywhere on the calendar grid to schedule your Work Item. You can extend the scheduled time slot by dragging its edges.

You can schedule one Work Item for multiple dates and times this way.

Note: This option is only available if you are the assignee of the Work Item.


Edit this field to give others more information about the nature of this Work Item. This field works like a Timebook Page, so you can use most of our when editing.


Use this section to provide updates on the Work Item or ask your collaborators about the progress. You can use the [Mention] feature to attract the attention of a specific person - we will let them know through the notification system.


This section is what we call the Activity Log. You can't interact with it, but it helps you track key changes to a Work Item regardless of who made them. For more details, see Activity Log

When you use the following options, their dedicated sections will show on the Work Item card so that you can manage work with less effort:

  • Add key result

  • Add child item

  • Link item

  • Attach

  • Schedule

Related articles:

Activity Log List concept Item library

Last updated