Tag concept

Label different Timebook objects for easier identification.

In Timebook, tags are labels you can assign to various objects to describe, categorize, or organize them. Tagging also improves collaboration across a as you quickly identify the purpose of objects just by looking at the keywords on tags.

All members can reuse tags across all Planners belonging to the Team, which leads to better organization. With proper tagging, you can reduce the time spent on additional communication.

You can attach tags to several objects in Timebook:

  • Page tags can be found and edited just below the Page title. Use them to give readers a hint about the .

  • File tags can be managed either in of a Team or of a Planner. Hover over a file to see the [Tags...] field that you can use to add a tag.

  • Work Item tags can be found and edited on the , just below the title. Use them to categorize your work.

In Timebook, you can manage the Team's tags from one central location. The [Tags] tab of a Team lets you create tags (for all members to reuse) and edit or delete the existing tags. For more details, see Tags tab

In several places in Timebook, tags can be used for filtering or grouping data.

For example, you can filter Work Items by a custom tag and quickly find all items marked with this tag.

Related articles:

Tags tab Pages Files (in Planners) Work Item concept

Last updated