Search & recents

Find information quickly and jump right to it.

One of the key Timebook ideas is to allow you to work uninterrupted and fully focused. That's why we want to give you a seamless navigation that helps you jump between modules and objects quickly.

You can find Timebook's global search bar and the recently visited section in the top-right corner of the Navigator, next to the . Use the dedicated buttons to instantly find the content you need or go back to the modules you recently accessed.

Global search bar in Timebook
Find various objects in Timebook with the global search bar.

Recently visited in Timebook
Access your recently visited locations.
Jump to recently visited
  1. Press the [Recently visited] icon in the top-right corner of the Navigator.

  2. Press on an object on the list to jump directly to the object's details.

Note: This list shows the last 5 Timebook objects you accessed. Press [Show more] to expand the list to 10 recently accessed objects.

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Pages Work Item concept

Last updated