Planners tab

Get a quick overview and an access point to all Planners in a Team.

This tab is a list of all Planners inside the current Team. It is handy, especially when managing a large-scale Team with many Planners. The middle pane allows you to navigate between Planners; select one to see its preview on the right.

Jumping to Planners using the Planners tab
Use the Planners tab in Teams to visit all the Planners you have access to.

The top part of the middle pane contains all the Planners you have joined. Select one of them and press [Go to Planner] in the top-right corner to jump to the Planner's homepage.

Joining Planners using the Planners tab
Use the Planners tab in Teams to join one of the available Planners.

The middle part of the left pane shows all the Planners you can join. Select one of them and press [Go to Planner] in the top-right corner to visit the Planner's homepage. Once there, use the [Join] button to get access to the Planner.

Restoring archived Planners in the Planners tab
Use the Planners tab in Teams to view and restore archived Planners.

The bottom part of the left pane shows all archived Planners. If you are the Planner Owner or an Admin, you can use the [Restore] button in the top-right corner. The selected Planner becomes active again, and others are free to join it.

You can use the [+] button next to the search bar to add more Planners to the Team. For more details, see Add a Planner

Related articles:

Add a Planner Planner settings

Last updated