Organize work

Align your to-do list with your working style and keep your Work Items in order.

Use the to see Work Items in your preferred context and organize them effortlessly. Work Item Drawer comes in handy regardless of whether you want to focus on importance, urgency, or other matters.

To manage your Work Items, open the [Group by] dropdown at the top of the Drawer, and select one of the available options. You can then drag and drop Work Items between groups.

Grouping Work Items in the Drawer
Group your Work Items by a selected property. Then move items between groups to organize your work.
Organize your Work Items

The following options are available in the [Group by] dropdown of the Work Item Drawer:


This shows all your Work Items grouped by their current status. This view is best to track the progress of your work.

[Due date]

This shows all your Work Items grouped by their due date (including the overdue ones). This view is best when you want to focus on the urgency of your work.


This shows all your Work Items grouped by their importance. The groups here are: Urgent, High, Normal, Low, and No priority. This view is best when you want to focus on the importance of your work.


This shows all your Work Items grouped by the tags they were marked with. This view is best when you want to focus on labels attached to different Work Items.


This shows all your Work Items grouped by Lists they belong to. This view is best when you want to focus on multiple to-do lists or move your work between them. For more details, see List concept


This shows all your tasks grouped by the Workstreams they were added to. This view is best when you want to focus on multiple projects or move your work between them. For more details, see Workstream concept

Related articles:

Work Item concept List concept Workstream concept

Last updated