List concept

Organize and keep track of the activities planned for a specific project.

In Timebook, you can use to manage your work on the lowest level. But you can also use Lists to keep your work organized and track progress more efficiently. Lists shift the focus from handling individual items to managing projects.

Creating a List in Timebook
This is how you create a List in the Work Items section of a Planner.
Create a new List
  1. In the Navigator, open the [Work Items] section of a .

  2. Go to the middle pane and press the [+] icon next to the [Lists] section.

  3. Give your new List a name and press [Create] to confirm.

  4. Your new List is added to the middle pane. You can now start adding Work Items to it.

Adding a Work Item to a List in Timebook
Add a new Work Item to a List. You can then move it to a different List using the Work Item's card.
Add a Work Item to a List

To create a new Work Item, open an existing List and use the [New Work Item] button at the end of it. This opens a new card where you can edit the details of your new item.

When you save your changes, the new Work Item will be added to the List.

To move an existing Work Item to a different list, open its card and find the button in the top-left corner. It shows the Planner and the List your Work Item is currently assigned to.

Press the button and select another List available in this Planner. Your Work Item will be moved to the selected List.

You can apply different layouts to Timebook Lists. Layouts offer you different presentation styles and various grouping options so that you can look at your work data from different perspectives. For more details, see Layouts

In Timebook Lists, you can use filters to narrow down results and save your favorite filter sets. This way, you can be sure you are analyzing your work using the same parameters. For more details, see Filters and Views

You can also share whole Lists with others. For more details, see Share Lists

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Work Item concept Planners Share Lists

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