Find your way in Timebook

Learn how to navigate Timebook, browse its contents, and bookmark your favorites.

In Timebook, the pane on the left is what we call the Navigator. It's there to make your life easier when moving between different Timebook modules. The Navigator is collapsible, so you can hide it and focus on your work in full-width view.

Navigator in Timebook
The pane on the left is the Timebook's Navigator.

You can expand the top part of the Navigator to access the and . The middle part of the Navigator is where the main Timebook modules are listed, with your , , and the area among them. The lower part of the Navigator is reserved for , and the .

To open a Timebook module in a new tab:

  • On Windows, hold the [Control] key and press on a Navigator element with the [left mouse key].

  • On Mac, hold the [Command] key and press on a Navigator element with the [left mouse key].

Working area

The remaining part of the screen to the right of the Navigator displays your "working area." The actual content of Timebook modules and your Planners is shown here. In some cases, you might see an additional "middle pane" that provides more navigation options in certain modules, like a list of .

Working area in Timebook
Everything right of the Navigator is your working area.

Other features

On top of that, you can:

  • bookmark certain items in Timebook,

  • quickly access your recently visited locations,

  • use the global search,

  • build Timebook Pages effortlessly with the Template Center.

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