Work Item fields

Use Work Item properties to manage your work efficiently.

Each Work Item in Timebook has its own card that you can view by pressing on the Work Item. The Work Item card is divided into two panes; the one on the right shows all fields available for the selected Work Item type.

Fields are actually properties of a Work Item. Each Work Item type comes with a different set of fields. You can change the type using the icon next to the Work Item's name. Or, if you are a Workplace Admin, you can modify the set of fields connected with a specific type. For more details, see Item library

An overview of Work Item fields
Manage and update your Work Item using all the fields on the right side of its card.
Available Work Item fields

Timebook comes with several predefined Work Item types like "Task", "Story", or "Epic". These have their own sets of fields that are commonly used in most time-management applications:


This field helps others quickly understand the progress and state of the Work Item, making it easier to track and manage projects.

Typical values for this field are "To do", "In progress", or "Done".


This field shows the person currently handling the Work Item. Use this field to reassign this Work Item to someone else or unassign it altogether.


This field shows the relative importance or urgency of the Work Item. Use this field to determine the order in which Work Items should be addressed.

Typical values for this field are "Low", "Normal", or "High".

[Start date]

This field shows when the work on the Work Item is expected to start. It helps you plan your projects and ensure the work begins on the selected date.

[Due date]

This field shows when the work on the Work Item is expected to end. It helps you manage your projects and ensure the results are delivered on the selected date.

[Estimated time]

This field shows the anticipated time required for the Work Item to be completed. It helps in project planning by providing an estimate of the effort.

The values for this field can be used in the Worklog module to track effort. For more details, see Worklog


This field shows the Workstream this Work Item is assigned to. For more details, see Workstream concept


This field lets you pick the color for this Work Item in your calendar. To see a Work Item in your calendar, make sure it's scheduled for a specific time first. For more details, see Schedule work manually

On top of the ones described above, you can find many other Work Item fields in Timebook.

You can even build your own Work Item types containing sets of completely custom fields. For more details, see Item library

Related articles:

Item library Worklog Workstream concept

Last updated