Overview & sections

Track all Planner-related content in dedicated sections.

What is Planner Overview?

When opening a Planner, you can see the [Overview] section at the top of the list. Overview shows a description of the Planner's purpose and content. Think of this section as an introduction to the Planner, a hint of what can be found inside.

The Overview section behaves like a and can be edited using all the tools available on our Pages. Only Planner Owners can modify the contents of the Overview section.

What other sections are there?

Get an overview of all Work Items and Lists in a Planner. Learn more: Work Items (in Planners)

Track work progress across all Workstreams in a Planner. Learn more: Workstreams (in Planners)

Manage all Pages of a Planner in one view. Learn more: Documents

Access all files uploaded by members of a Planner. Learn more: Files (in Planners)

Exchange your ideas with all members of a Planner. Learn more: Messages (in Planners)

Last updated