People settings in Planner

Manage membership and permissions across your Planner.

This tab in settings is where you manage members of your Planner and define their permissions. You can add more members to a Planner by inviting anyone from your . But you can also invite - collaborators from other Timebook Workplaces.

An overview of the People tab in Planner settings
Use this to manage the list of Planner members and see their calendars.

The [People] tab is divided in two:

  • The Members & Partners list on the left shows all people working in this Planner. There is a label next to each person highlighting their role in the Planner. This part of the tab also has a search bar to find people quickly, the [+] button to , and the [Filters] button to show only members with a specific role.

  • The contact card on the right shows the basic contact details of the selected person, the [Role] field that can be used to change their permissions, and the [Calendar] tab that shows the person's availability.

Adding members and Partners to a Planner is explained in the following article:

Related articles:

Team & Planner members Partners

Last updated