Activity Log

Track all changes made to a Work Item in one place.

The Activity Log is not where the actual work gets done, but it still facilitates collaboration in Timebook. It is like a register that holds information about key changes to a Work Item regardless of who made them.

The Activity Log can be found on every card; it's the last section placed at the bottom of the card. It contains a chronological list of changes and information about who made them and at what time.

Activity Log entries

The following activities are examples of what gets recorded in the Activity Log:

  • someone created or renamed the Work Item,

  • someone modified the description of the Work Item,

  • someone set or changed the priority and status of the Work Item,

  • someone added to this Work Item,

  • someone added or removed an attachment from this Work Item,

  • someone added or removed this Work Item from a or a .

Related articles:

Work Item concept Work Item options Work Item fields

Last updated