Use templates

Create a new Page with less effort.

The Template Center is where you can reuse existing and create copies effortlessly. It is divided into two main areas:

  • The list on the left shows all templates available to you. It includes the [Community templates], standardized for typical scenarios, like meeting minutes or a project status tracker. Also, there are the [Workplace templates] created by all members of your current .

  • The main area shows a preview of the template you selected from the list. There is also information about who created the template and the description field that should hint at when to use the template.

Using templates in Timebook
Create a new Page from a template in a selected Planner.
Use templates in Timebook
  1. Open the Template Center in the bottom-left corner of the Navigator.

  2. Select the template you want to reuse from the list on the left.

  3. Press [Use template] in the top-right corner of the main area.

  4. Give your new Page a meaningful name and select the Planner in which you want to create the Page. You can also pick a specific Page in the Planner if you want to create a subpage.

  5. Press [Create] to complete the process. The newly created Page opens immediately.

You can use the Template Center to delete existing templates.

In such cases, templates will be deleted permanently, so be careful about deleting other people's templates, as this might impact their work.

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