
Customize the presentation of Work Items to match your work style.

When you manage your work in Timebook, you can choose different ways of presenting your data. Use the [Layout] feature to apply a specific presentation style, define how to group the data, and decide which fields to focus on.

Layouts in Timebook offer flexibility in how you showcase your Work Items. Utilize them to improve usability and make work data more accessible and actionable.

Layouts can be found in several work-management modules across Timebook. You can apply layouts to , , or .

The details of the layout feature might differ slightly from one module to another. But in general, you can use the options listed below to customize the presentation of your work data.

You can find the [Layout] button in the top-right corner of your working area. Press it to access the options below.

Layout: style options


This style is all about simplicity, as Work Items are shown in a single column. It's great for estimating the number of Work Items but not ideal for tracking progress.

This style is available in Lists, Goals, and Workstreams.


This style is best for tracking progress. For example, group your Work Items by status to see all the work arranged from "To do" to "Done".

This style is available in Lists, Goals, and Workstreams.


This style gives you a list of Work Items, and you can sort them using columns representing different properties. For example, you can sort by due date to see the most urgent Work Items.

This style is available in Lists and Goals.


This style lets you see the scheduled Work Items on a calendar grid. It's best for analyzing how the work is spread over time and which Work Items are still unscheduled. This style comes with additional work-management features. For more details, see Calendar layout

This style is available in Lists and Goals.

[Story Map]

This style shows the completion of child items inside a parent Work Item. It also allows you to move child items to different parent items quickly. This style comes with additional work-management features. For more details, see Story Map layout

This style is available in Lists and Goals.

Layout: display options

These options help you organize your work data in groups and subgroups:

Use the [Group by] option to arrange your data by one of the properties of your Work Items.

For example, you can group Work Items by [Status] to see them arranged from "To do" to "Done". Or group them by [Assignee] to see the scope of work for each member of your .

Note: Grouping is not available with the Story Map style. This style has a fixed presentation pattern that doesn't allow grouping.

Use the [Slice by] option to add a secondary grouping to your work data.

For example, with the [Board] style, you can group data by the assignee to see the workload of different people. You could then use the [Slice by] option and select [Priority] to see the workload per assignee arranged by importance.

Note: Slicing is not available with the Story Map style. This style has a fixed presentation pattern that doesn't allow slicing.

Layout: field options

These options help you increase or decrease the amount of information about your work data.

Use the toggles to show or hide specific fields like Status, Priority, or Tags. This will impact how Work Item cards are displayed in your Lists, Workstreams, and Goals.

This is a purely visual change; hiding a field only removes it from the overall view, but you can still open the Work Item card to see the details of the field.

Related articles:

List concept Workstream concept Goal concept

Last updated