Manage members

Invite, manage, or change permissions of the members of your Workplace.

This section of Workplace Admin is your one place to see the complete list of all members and manage their permissions. It also shows how many available "seats" your Workplace has in the current plan.

The list of members shows their names, avatars, email addresses, and status. There's also the [Permission group] column that you can use to change the role of each member. You can, for example, turn a regular Member into .

Add more members to your Workplace

Inviting new Workplace members is restricted by the maximum number of seats your current subscription plan allows.

Pay attention to the information next to the [Invite members] button - it tells you how many free seats you still have in the current plan.

Inviting new Workplace members in Timebook
This is how you invite a new member to your Workplace and define their role.
Invite a new Workplace member
  1. Press the dropdown next to the in the top-left corner. From the resulting menu, select [Workplace Admin].

  2. Open the [Members] tab and press the [Invite members] button.

  3. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite and press [Add to list] to confirm.

  4. In the [Invitation list] below, define permissions for the person you are inviting.

  5. Add more people to the list if you wish. Once the list is complete, press [Send] to finish the process. The selected people will join your Workplace when they accept the invitations.

Adding more members to a Workplace might affect your billing.

Please pay attention to the order summary after you confirm inviting a new member. The summary will show any potential changes to your billing.

Remove members from your Workplace

You can also use this section of Workplace Admin to deactivate or remove some of the members.

Deactivating a Workplace member in Timebook
This is how you deactivate a Workplace member. You can also permanently remove members from your Workplace.
Deactivate or remove a Workplace member

To deactivate a member, press the [Meatballs] icon next to their name on the list and select [Deactivate]. This means the member is "suspended"; they can't sign in to your Workplace, and others can't assign any items to this person. You can use the [Activate] option later to restore the member to your Workplace.

You can also permanently remove a member. Do it by pressing the [Meatballs] icon next to their name on the list and selecting [Remove]. You can't reverse this action.

Related articles:

Workplace concept Owners, Admins, Members

Last updated