
Enrich your work data with documents, videos, charts, and sheets from external applications

Use Embed Blocks to display content from external sources. Embeds allow you to enhance your work data with documents, videos, charts, and sheets from other apps. Timebook supports embeds from these sources:

  • Figma

  • Miro

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Slides

  • Google Drive videos

  • Lucidchart

  • YouTube

  • Loom

Adding embedded content in Timebook
This is how you embed external content in Timebook.
Add an Embed Block to a Page
  1. Press the [+] button inside the left margin of a Page.

  2. Select the type of Embed Block you want to add.

  3. Paste the link (URL address) to the external source.

  4. Press [Embed] to confirm.

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