General settings in Planner

This tab in settings helps you manage your Planner by editing its details, assigning a client to it, transferring ownership to someone else, or archiving it.

An overview of the General tab in Planner settings
Use this tab to edit your Planner's details, assign a client to it, or modify its visibility.
Available general settings

[Planner avatar]

Use this field to change the avatar of your Planner.

Press the [Pencil] icon in the top-left corner of the settings window (in the space provided for the image). Then, upload a new image of your choice or only remove the current one.

[Planner name]

Use this field to change the name of your Planner.

Press anywhere on the current name and start typing to enter the new name.


Use this field to provide a meaningful description of your Planner's purpose.

While it might be obvious to you, other users could benefit from a proper description before they decide to join your Planner.


Use this field to assign a single client to your Planner.

In Timebook, clients are like group contacts. For example, you can create a "client" for a company you cooperate with, and then add contact cards for the people of this company. For more details, see People module

In the Planner settings, you can assign one client to a Planner. You can then mark specific content as client-related. This will make it easier to manage data relevant to your client later on.

[Transfer ownership]

Use this option to pass the ownership of this Planner to someone else if you are the current owner.

Press the [Transfer ownership] button, and select another member of your Workplace to make him the new Owner. Press [Transfer] to confirm your decision. You will then become an Admin of this Planner.

[Make private]

Use this option to change the Planner's accessibility.

By default, Timebook Planners are open, meaning any member can access them freely. But you can turn your Planner into a private one. From now on, this Planner will be hidden; only you can add more members by inviting them.

Note: The availability of this feature depends on your Timebook pricing plan. For more details, see Billing

[Archive Planner]

Use this option to move the Planner to the archive.

Members can't access an archived Planner, but if you are the Planner Owner or an Admin, you can restore the it. For more details, see Planners tab

Make sure to press the [Save] button at the bottom after you make changes in the [General] tab of the Planner settings.

Related articles:

Planners Teams People module

Last updated