
Keep your content neat and tidy.

Sections are the easiest way to group related Pages and give your a clean structure. Sections are Timebook's way of saying "chapters" or "folders" with Pages.

Each Section comes with the [Description] field; it allows you to provide additional information about the Section's purpose or contents. You can use all Page-editing tools here to turn a Section into a proper cover.

Creating section in Timebook
This is how you create a Section in a Planner.
Create a Section
  1. Go to the [Documents] section in a Planner.

  2. Press the [+] icon at the top of the middle pane

  3. Select [Section].

  4. Give your new Section a name and press [Create] to confirm.

  5. You can edit the [Description] field of a newly created Section to provide information on its contents.

Timebook Sections are technically Pages but with slightly different features. This means Sections have fewer options and settings than regular Pages. The following options are available in Sections:

Section options in Timebook
These options are available for Sections. They are nearly identical to Page options.
Section options

[Avatar] shows all the people currently viewing the Section. Press on one of the avatars to see that person's contact card and access quick interaction buttons

[Share] the Section with others. It means all Pages inside this Section will be shared. For more details, see Share Pages

[Add to Bookmarks] lets you add the Section to your favorites. This creates a quick link to this Section in Bookmarks. For more details, see Bookmarks

[Archive] removes the current Section and its Pages from Documents. For more details on restoring archived Sections and Pages, see Documents

The remaining options allow you to [Rename] or [Delete] the current Section.

If you don't want to see all the details of a Section, you can press the arrow to the left of the Section's name. This collapses the list of all Pages inside the Section.

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Documents Share Pages Bookmarks

Last updated