User profile

Edit your display name, avatar, and contact details in one place.

This section of User Preferences is where you can define how other users will see you in Timebook. See below for the complete list of options available in the [User profile] section.

An overview of the User Profile tab in User Preferences
Use this tab to edit your name, avatar, contact details, or time zone.
Available user profile settings

[Basic details & user image]

Here you can edit your [First name], [Last name], and your [Display name].

You can also change your avatar by pressing the [Pencil] icon next to the current avatar and uploading an image.

[Contact information]

Use this section to edit your [Phone] and [Location] details that others can use to contact you.

There is also the [Email] field that shows the email address connected with your account.

[Time zone]

This section controls time zone settings. You can enable [Automatic time zone detection] to let Timebook use your device's time zone settings. Or you can turn it off and define the time zone manually.

There is also the [Notify me of time zone changes] checkbox. Select it if you want to receive notifications in Timebook whenever your device detects a time zone change.

Related articles:

People module People tab

Last updated