Share files

Improve collaboration across Workplace by giving others access to your Files.

By default, all members can access all files used in the Planner. But to boost collaboration further, Timebook makes file-sharing even more flexible. You can give access to specific files to any member of your or even to a from a different Workplace.

Sharing a file in Timebook
This is how you share a file with others (and define their access rights).
Share a file in Timebook

Note: You can start this process either in of a Planner or of a Team.

  1. Press the [Meatballs] icon next to a file.

  2. Select [Share].

  3. From the dropdown, select the members of your Workplace (or Partners) you want to share the file with. You can also type their names to find them quickly.

  4. Define their permissions to the file. You can choose from [Can view], [Can edit], or [Can edit & share].

  5. Press [Save] to confirm. The selected people now have access to the file.

You can revoke someone's access to a file.

To do so, press [Share] again and press the [X] button next to the person's name.

Related articles:

Files (in Planners) Files tab (in Teams)

Last updated